
Cascading, Effortless and Expressive.

Red, Orange Yellow, Purple and White Abstract ArtPrecipitation is a vision reminiscent of falling rain this beautifully expressive and defined abstract painting pulls together all the power and grace of one of nature’s most basic elements. Gorgeous tones and fine detailing really add an extra dimension to this incredible art work.

Subtle and very delicate movements become defined as they interact with one another to form a complex yet remarkably ordered and structured painting.
One of the things I adore about this piece is the apparent randomness of the droplets and lines which, as you study the piece more, are actually anything but – rather like the way Mother Nature appears sometimes. It is both ordered and structured yet also very free and poetic.

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  • Certificate of Authenticity
  • Size :
  • Mediums : Enamels on triple primed canvas.
  • Sold
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