This week I have been carrying the crown..
of Social Media Hero, given to me by an artist who has phenomenal passion for his art and his weekly video blog (where i have been featured for SM Hero of the week 🙂 If you are already on Twitter and following me @rachellesplace you will know him by the name of Jeff Mueller aka ComputerArtMan.
Jeff is a digital artist who I have a great deal of respect and admiration in the passion he exudes in all he does, and every week he conveys this in his video blog Passion of the Digital Artist where he doesn’t just talk about art but many various subjects relevant to our everyday lives and for me is engaging and intriguing to watch as he progresses each week in the video world. Being given the title SM Hero of the week blew me away and what followed did so even furthur, his passion and dedication to his own work and social media endeavors brought new fantastic followers and warming @replies at a phenomenal rate I could hardly keep up lol! So this blog post is really to thank Jeff who is most definitely 100 percent my Social Media Hero for all his hard work and dedication this week and what I know will be continued support from him in the future after the crown of SM Hero is passed on to someone else he has spotted he truly wants to feature. So as the week closes and said crown is passed on to the next SM Hero I have a message for you , you are in great hands with Jeff and you may never have a week like it again so enjoy it! To everyone else –  if you do nothing else today , I highly recommend you go to Jeffs website, follow him on twitter and subscribe to his Vlog, in fact its not a recommendation really its more an endorsement lol. There you will also “meet” Xavier Jeffs camera man whose ever presence adds further dynamics to the Vlog even if whilst hiding behind the camera 🙂 maybe we can coax him out for one Vlog only?
So to wrap things up for todays blog post all that’s left for me here today is to say click on the links below , enjoy and have a great day!
Follow Jeff here on Twitter:
Twitter @ComputerArtMan
Rachelle xxx